CBT Software-Exam Engine : Exam Module Help

The Exam Engine works in conjunction with author module. The author module enables inputting the required questions and answers by the author(s). The detailed help provides step-by-step procedure on using the author module and the test engine. The exam engine allows a candidate to take the test.

Help for important features of the  Exam Engine of the CBT Software are given below:


Exam Engine Options : 

1. Test Module Operations : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows user to add any number of Test Modules (Database created using CBT Software-Author Module). Each Test Module is treated as a separate exam and can be used independently.

1.1 Adding Test Module (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to add a Test Module using a .auth file from local storage.

1.2. Adding Test Module (URL): This section will provide a procedure to add a Test Module using a .auth file from a URL.

1.3. Removing Test Module : This option allows user to remove a Test Module in Exam Engine.

2. Exam :

2.1 Exam Configuration : This option allows you to configure the Test Module.

2.2 Exam Properties : This option allows you to view various properties for the Test Module.

2.3 Statistics : This option allows you to view previous exam results.

3. Logo Options :

3.1 Custom Logo : This option allows you to add your own logo to Exam Engine

3.2 Reset to Default Logo : This option allows you to reset the logo to default for Exam Engine.

Exam Options : 

1. Login : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows candidate to take exam using a username, results for each username can be viewed independently.

2. Modes : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows candidate to use the Test Module in two modes

2.1 Learn Mode : Provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question.

2.2 Exam Mode : Simulates actual exam environment in which candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards.

3. Exam Screen : This section will describe how exactly the questions will be presented to candidate and the options available to help him take exam.

4. Question Types Supported : This section will show how various supported question types are displayed to candidate.

5. Grade Screen : This section will describe how the performance of the candidate will be shown at end of the exam.

6. Save Results and Review Questions : At the end of each exam candidate is given an option to save the results, which can be reviewed later.

7. Customize Questions : This feature allows instructor to select specific categories (topics) for a exam. All the questions in the exam will appear only from selected categories. 

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